搜索 Mahesh

  • 阿维纳什(桑杰·杜特饰)和他的父母(库尔布山·哈尔班达,阿莎·帕雷克)来到孟买,在那里他们痛苦地刮擦。有时,他们与黑社会犯罪头目库沙尔·汗(达门德拉饰)的弟弟萨米乌拉·汗(里希·卡普尔饰)的相识非常有帮助,因为萨米拒绝处理他哥哥的生意,享有良好的声誉。但经过一番苦涩的经历,阿维纳什的父亲再也忍受不了自己可怜的处境,自杀…
  • 电影
  • Skinny-dipping, hot summer kisses and an unexpected secret are just a taste of the drama to come in this frothy, tart and refreshing comedy about a group of gay Indian men.Achieving a milestone in Indian cinema, this is the first openly gay male movie from India and is an eye-opening exploration of gay sexuality and re…
  • Ravi Naik lives a middle class life with his son Rohan in the country of India. He brings up his son in a very strict, quiet and disciplined atmosphere, so much so that his son starts to resent him and his mannerism. All Ravi wants is to get Rohan excel as an athlete and win the forthcoming athletics event. But Rohan w…
  • 电影生活
    辛哈(古鲁·杜特 Guru Dutt 饰)曾是名满天下的大导演,如今,往昔的风光早已经变成了过眼云烟,当落魄的他再度回到曾经叱咤风云过的片场时,剩下的只有唏嘘。辛哈故地重游只为了一件事情,那就是寻找他曾经提携过的女演员香缇(瓦希达·拉赫曼 Waheeda Rehman 饰),直到今日他依然深深的爱着这个女人。最终,辛哈和香缇重逢了,但很快,两人…