搜索 Mahon

  • How To Plan A Revolution follows two young political activists, Muradand Emin, who are hoping to stage a peaceful revolution in Azerbaijan.Authoritarian government reigns supreme in the Caucasus: the strip ofland with Russia to the north, Iran to the south, the Caspian Sea tothe east, and the Black Sea to the west. Wit…
  • 一名丛林向导被原住民部落绑架,想把他献祭给白犀牛神,就当他小命要不保时,他突然跌入时光隧道,来到一群野蛮黑发女统治的国家,她们会奴役金发姐妹。他拒绝卡莉皇后的求欢,转而站在金发妞那一边,这也造成他被囚禁起来。
  • 电视剧剧情
    This drama is set in a south Florida plastic surgery center, McNamara-Troy, centering around the two doctors who own it. Sean McNamara (Dylan Walsh) is having problems at home, trying to keep his family together, trying to patch up the rocky road him and his wife Julia (Joely Richardson) are experiencing. On the other …
  • 电视剧剧情
    This drama is set in a south Florida plastic surgery center, McNamara-Troy, centering around the two doctors who own it. Sean McNamara (Dylan Walsh) is having problems at home, trying to keep his family together, trying to patch up the rocky road him and his wife Julia (Joely Richardson) are experiencing. On the other …
  • 电视剧剧情
    This drama is set in a south Florida plastic surgery center, McNamara-Troy, centering around the two doctors who own it. Sean McNamara (Dylan Walsh) is having problems at home, trying to keep his family together, trying to patch up the rocky road him and his wife Julia (Joely Richardson) are experiencing. On the other …
  • 一个美国家庭,男主人已死,剩下一个深爱丈夫又有强烈背叛感的神经质妻子,两个未成年的儿子,打理一个超级农场,养着一群水牛,于是通过类似互惠工机构找到一个挪威男做保姆,就是帮忙放放牛,接孩子上学放学。挪威男是个足球痴,无论去哪做什么都带着他的足球,慢慢在邻里中组建起一队奇怪的足球队。在貌似友好的气氛下,其实民族偏见、歧视暗…