- Things are going well at a Miami nudist camp. Nudists (almost all of them large-breasted women, for some strange reason . . . ) frolic away at nude volleyball, nude sunbathing and nude dancing -- until a gorilla shows up at the camp and starts grabbing and killing the women. The police (who are not nude, thankfully) ar…
- A documentary film crew takes a look at the inspiration behind artist John Bolton's painting.
- Vince McMahon(文斯•麦克马汉),美国甚至世界摔角界都响当当的名字。他从父亲手中继承摔角组织WWWF,并将其改名WWF,通过几十年的经营和打拼使其从NWA麾下的一个次级联盟一跃成为全世界摔角界中的翘楚。他绝非一个天才,但绝对是个奇思妙想不断且善于抓住每一次机会的成功商人。几十年中,McMahon家族所率领的WWF先后推出Hulk Hog…