- In 1909, amidst the dying old west, Willie Boy, a long distance Desert Runner by Chemehuevi tradition, falls in love with young native beauty, Carlota. Carlota's father, a Chemehuevi shaman and local tribal leader, refuses to let the young couple be together. In a fatal confrontation, Carlota's father falls dead to an …
- 面对生活的诸多不顺的大雄,开始抱怨起现实世界为什么没有魔法。一天,大雄(小原乃梨子 配音)发现了一个哆啦A梦(大山信代 配音)的石像,正打算找出石像的来源,但渴望拥有魔法的大雄,突发奇想到了“如果电话亭”来实现自己的梦想。现实对大雄来说总是很残酷,大雄并没因此而拥有强大的魔力,而且拥有魔毯是一件和奢侈的事情,而大雄家是支…
- Surf Girls Hawaii follows the next generation of Native Hawaiian female surfers, as they compete at an elite level to earn a coveted spot on the World Tour of professional Surfing. This 4-part docuseries offers behind the scenes access to five of the sport’s most exciting young stars – Moana Jones Wong, Ewe Wong, Maluh…