搜索 Mang

  • Panna is the only daughter of politician Maltidevi. Panna is very critical of her mother, when she decides to separate from her dad, and asked Chief Minister Sawantrao Gadre to move in with them, for political reasons. Sawantrao has been using Maltidevi to win his election, which he does. Malti avenges this humiliation…
  • 电影剧情
    美国青年杰西(伊桑•霍克 饰)在火车上偶遇了法国女学生塞琳娜(朱莉.德培 饰),两人在火车上交谈甚欢。当火车到达维也纳时,杰西盛情邀请塞琳娜一起在维也纳游览一番,即使杰西翌日便要坐飞机离开。与杰西一见钟情的塞琳娜接受了杰西的邀请。他们一边游览城市,一边谈论着彼此的过去,彼此对生活的感想,两人了解越加深刻。他们非常珍惜这美…
  • 他们本可以在家中颐养天年,享受自己的退休生活,结果却被报纸上的一则小广告所吸引——“寻找六十五岁以上女士和先生”。乌珀塔尔的知名编舞皮娜•鲍什重新执导和排演了她的舞剧《交际场》,此次登场的均为年老的非职业演员。纪录片《六十五岁以上男女版本》将镜头对准了这个群体,他们结束了以往的职业生涯,面对此刻的全新挑战,必须克服世俗…
  • 电影恐怖
    罗莎(Sheila Marcia 饰)和艾米丽(Stefanie Hariadi 饰)是情同手足的姐妹,然而在一场争吵之后,罗莎把艾米丽赶出了家门,没想到艾米丽就此失踪,这让罗莎感到非常的后悔以及自责。罗莎将这一切都告诉了自己的好友泰拉,泰拉认为艾米丽其实是搭上了传说中的鬼列车,并且建议罗莎去找一个叫做巴比的男人。巴比(Melvin Lim 饰)的…
  • With their different approaches, these versatile comedians complement each other perfectly and bring outside perspectives to the stage.
  • Fuschia tells the story of Maneng (Gloria Romero), a 62-year old woman who for the past 40 years is living-in with Gener (Robert Arevalo), her husband's (Mars played by Eddie Garcia) best friend when the latter left her when he joined the U.S. navy. Mars never communicated with Mameng for four decades and Gener took ov…