- This animation highlights the technological remnants of what is left behind. It is a simplistic creation consisting of color and rhythm. It incorporates X-ray images, figures from Pompeii, and footage of a turtle in Syria. This creation story symbolizes the ability to generate something new and release it, akin to a pr…
- 《旅人:48小时游记》为英国的一档电视旅游纪录片系列节目,主持人为《IT狂人》中的Moss 理查德·艾欧阿德。每一期节目中,他将与不同的明星嘉宾在各个著名旅游城市游历48小时。第一季四期节目的取景地分别为巴塞罗纳、伊斯坦布尔、冰岛、马拉喀什(摩洛哥城市)。
- Withtheirdifferentapproaches,theseversatilecomedianscomplementeachotherperfectlyandbringoutsideperspectivestothestage.
- Timed with the 2020 women's suffrage centennial, American Masters - Unladylike2020: The Changemakers takes a look at women whose courage and tenacity 100 years ago shaped the political life and future of this nation. Their accomplishments were instrumental in accomplishing voting rights for women -- but also in improvi…
- 萌田薰子是一名十五岁的女子高中生,同是也是一名四格漫画家。从很小的时候起,薰子就渴望着漫画家这一给读者带来快乐的职业,并且一直想着实现理想而方向努力前进着。怀揣着理想,薰子搬进了专门为漫画家提供住所的女子宿舍,在这里,薰子解释了一群志同道合的好友们。 个性开朗思想单纯的少女漫画家恋冢小梦、虽然表面看来十分正经害羞,但实…