- 聪慧而又时尚的师范毕业生曾子颖,阴差阳错的来到了北部湾海港漂浮小学当了名小学老师,想要尽快调回大城市的她,无奈之下只得答应镇长,到大海中一座几乎没有人烟的孤岛去教学一段。岛上只有一个叫游游的学生,他和为了保护这里的候鸟和自然环境而绝不搬迁的爷爷生活。因为游游常年不与外界交流,大家都以为游游是一个哑巴。一心要让经济腾飞的…
- A roving salesman takes his wife to settle in a desolate farm, and they're in married bliss for a time?until a woman full of mystery disrupts the couple's otherwise peaceful relationship. The two women actually become best friends, but the young wife soon gets suspicions that her husband and the secretive neighbor are …