- 《旅人:48小时游记》为英国的一档电视旅游纪录片系列节目,主持人为《IT狂人》中的Moss 理查德·艾欧阿德。每一期节目中,他将与不同的明星嘉宾在各个著名旅游城市游历48小时。第一季四期节目的取景地分别为巴塞罗纳、伊斯坦布尔、冰岛、马拉喀什(摩洛哥城市)。
- Fuschia tells the story of Maneng (Gloria Romero), a 62-year old woman who for the past 40 years is living-in with Gener (Robert Arevalo), her husband's (Mars played by Eddie Garcia) best friend when the latter left her when he joined the U.S. navy. Mars never communicated with Mameng for four decades and Gener took ov…