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  • 宾度和吉里士看起来是一对典型的印度中产阶级情侣,他们和宾度八个月大的女儿皮尼克住在一起。某一天,当宾度在上班中途回到家里时,发现女儿皮尼克和照顾她的女佣都不见踪影。在街头巷尾焦急寻找女儿的一天里,宾度发现,她要面对的不仅仅是女儿的失踪,还有全然陌生的环境和复杂的人情社会。影片以层次分明的人物、环环相扣的叙事和无法抵御的…
  • 动漫少女
  • In a version of Kolkata, India, rendered unbearable due to the rising sea level, things take a dark turn when a family of climate change refugees are ambushed by a tiger on the flooded streets.
  • 电影剧情
  • 凯普莱特和蒙太古是声名显赫的两大家族,因为祖先们结下恩怨,两家人将彼此视为眼中钉肉中刺。可是造化弄人,在机缘巧合之下,蒙太古家的小儿子罗密欧(Matthew Ball 饰)在一场宴会上偶遇了凯普莱特家的女儿朱丽叶(弗朗西丝卡·海沃德 Francesca Hayward 饰),在不知道彼此身份的情况下,两人双双坠入了爱河,并且在神父的见证之下私定终身。…
  • KoreaRepublicvsGermany
  • Germanyvs.Italy
  • 入围第67届圣塞巴斯蒂安电影节新导演竞赛单元。Lis is a teenager whose dream is to become a circus artist and leave her hometown, even if she knows that to do it she’ll have to fight her side against her parents. It’s summer and Lis spends her days play…
  • One mistake will change many lives. SOVIA, a nurse, makes a fatal mistake in the emergency room, killing a patient. Later that night, Sovia has a surreal, near death experience in which the deceased patient appears and touches her shoulder. When Sovia recovers, she finds a bruise has developed at the exact place she wa…