搜索 Manz

  • Beautiful Prison is a heavily stylized, genre-blending narrative focused around a brain damaged man, who, after a violent accident, awakens with a restored intellect and a supernatural ability to control the happenings of his world. Tonally, Beautiful Prison plays in and out of several different genres: action, familia…
  • During the 90s, in the city of Valença (Rio de Janeiro state), three teenagers embark on a personal journey marked by the disillusion of the end of an era, sexual discoveries and Renato Russo's songs.
  • The idea behind Ya Rab is to show how Islam has been used as a tool to propagate terrorism. The film focuses on issues where so called self proclaimed Maulanas (Islamic Preachers) misinterpret The Quran and its real meaning to breed terrorists and terrorist activity. Ya Rab is a genuine effort to show the right face of…
  • 动漫少女
  • 霹雳娇娃之脱罪娇娃版
    Three gorgeous female convicts are paroled from prison to work for an unnamed federal agency. While saving the world, they take verbal pokes at anything and everything, and take absolutely nothing seriously, including themselves. Written by fgunther {knarf343@att.net}
  • 有一天,游戏玩家伊戈尔得到了一个视频游戏,游戏中的人物不仅存在于屏幕上,也存在于生活中。伊戈尔必须完成神秘人物的所有指令,否则他的亲人就会死去,但不再是在笔记本电脑屏幕上,而是真正意义的死亡。伊戈尔需要阻止流血事件,但他甚至无法走出自己的公寓。他的女友、朋友和父母都命悬一线。与电脑游戏不同,他们只有一条命。
  • 校园哲学家第二季
    哲学教师墨林 (Merlí) 在课堂内外不拘一格,常常令墨守陈规的学院主任托尼 (Toni) 大为光火,却又让纠结于家庭、身份、关系与情感的学生们对哲学如痴如醉。
  • The biography of the famous mexican waltz composer Juventino Rosas
  • 改编自Julián Almazán与Alfonso Casas合作的同名漫画。Julián是一位刚到马德里的同性恋平面设计师,透过朋友介绍,结识了新恋人。在一切正走向顺遂的坦途时,意外却接二连三地发生了,两人的感情也遭逢了种种考验,两人的爱情最后是否能圆满呢?