- Beautiful Prison is a heavily stylized, genre-blending narrative focused around a brain damaged man, who, after a violent accident, awakens with a restored intellect and a supernatural ability to control the happenings of his world. Tonally, Beautiful Prison plays in and out of several different genres: action, familia…
- The idea behind Ya Rab is to show how Islam has been used as a tool to propagate terrorism. The film focuses on issues where so called self proclaimed Maulanas (Islamic Preachers) misinterpret The Quran and its real meaning to breed terrorists and terrorist activity. Ya Rab is a genuine effort to show the right face of…
- Three gorgeous female convicts are paroled from prison to work for an unnamed federal agency. While saving the world, they take verbal pokes at anything and everything, and take absolutely nothing seriously, including themselves. Written by fgunther {knarf343@att.net}