搜索 Margi

  • We Margiela tells the untold and intimate story of the enigmatic and singular fashion house Maison Martin Margiela. For the first time co-founder Jenny Meirens and members of the creative team that formed the heart of the house speak about the creative processes and unique philosophy of Margiela. Their stories, told th…
  • TV动画『MARGINAL#4 KISSから創造るBig Bang』2017年1月播出!
  • 电影包括以下九部:1.海柯 Heiko (2008)2.我的名字叫爱 My Name Is Love (2008)3.摔跤 Wrestling (2007)4.远离我所欲 Protect Me From What I Want (2009)5.男孩日记 Trevor (1994)6.灰烬之后 Postmortem (2005)7.浴室 Steam (2009)8.呼吸 Zucht (2007)9.破坏天使 Vandalen (2008)
  • 电影剧情
    平凡的小警察汤姆得过且过,他喜欢穿上动物外套快乐歌舞。汤姆的女朋友是电视台的纪录片导演,被拍摄对象不予配合以及领导的苛责让她烦恼非常。足疗师克劳德(Michael Maertens 饰)为生计辛苦奔波,和那些老人在一起他便变得喋喋不休。颇有些洁癖和神经质的多米尼克(Leonard Scheicher 饰)和女友娜塔莉(Carla Juri 饰)一起参加…
  • 菲尔(Adam Donovan 饰)是一个在富人社区长大的男孩,虽然衣食无忧,但因为性取向时常感到痛苦和缺少安全感。他就读的私人高中风气保守,充满了自我感觉良好的傲慢青少年,其中给他带来最大困扰的是一个叫亚当(Jake Robbins 饰)的男孩。亚当经常在更衣室侮辱和 针对菲尔,很难想象他们曾经是好朋友,菲尔还曾暗恋过亚当。然而亚当在自己家中…
  • 电影剧情
    Erika意外怀孕,此时的她完全没有做好迎接第一个孩子的准备。Erika是个出了名的控制狂,对临产各方面都考虑周全,甚至给自己预约了一台剖腹产手术。一天晚上,她被宫缩阵痛疼醒,胎儿意外地提前出生。过于追求完美主义的Erika精神崩溃。  她无法照顾刚出生的儿子,开始出现紧张性精神症的症状。医生建议她接受小组治疗。Erika只好无奈地听从…
  • Popeye and Bluto agree that women are too much trouble, so they agree to swear off them, which lasts about 5 seconds, until Olive comes on board ship for a tour. The boys vie for her attention.
  • Olive is going shopping and drops Swee'pea off for Popeye to watch. Popeye carves a sailboat for him, but the tyke spots Popeye's battleship, and the puny toy boat will no longer do. He climbs aboard, and there's the expected mayhem. Notable sequences include a stint on the ship's cannon's control board, with Popeye ca…