搜索 Marlo

  • 一位美国华裔舞者无意中发现母亲患病的实情,带着对母亲的爱,寻得自己内心的力量故事。   安妮和中国移民母亲一起生活在洛杉矶。安妮是个有潜质的现代舞者,但她始终无法将情感注入她的舞步。当母亲意外住院后,她不得不担负起家里干洗店生意的生计。几经挣扎,她终于领悟到自己舞步中缺失的是一份内心的坚强。但当母亲的健康状况日益衰退,…
  • This year, all of Norway celebrates the 150th anniversary of the birth of Edvard Munch (1863 - 1944), one of the towering figures of modern art.This is already being hailed a "once-in-a-lifetime show" . Global interest is huge - not least as a result of one of his four The Scream (pictured) paintings having r…
  • 约翰尼·诺克斯维尔饰演的男主角有个八岁的孙子,祖孙俩将开始一段横跨美国的旅程,一路上他们偷东西撞路牌婚礼葬礼四处搅局蠢事不断。
  • Villains was a British anthology series of thirteen standalone plays first shown in 1972.   These plays could be seen as pieces in a patchwork, each having its own particular identity but all joining together to give an overall picture.   …
  • During a zombie outbreak in the MidWest zombie slayers Craig and Tyrone Jones desperately search for their missing sister only to be harassed by the thousands of blood hungry zombies. Their mission slowly turns comedic when the 2 brothers argue about who is the better slayer of the 2. The journey lands them 4 outsiders…
  • The satirical Kingsley Amis novel The Green Man served as the basis for this three-part BBC2 miniseries. Albert Finney headed the cast as Maurice Allington, the libidinous, money-grubbing owner of a quaint British bed-and-breakfast hotel. In hopes of attracting customers, and also desirous of bedding every eligible wom…
  • 在未来由于人口过多,性爱被禁止,人们服用抗壮阳药以减少冲动。唯一允许的性交形式是由获得许可的表演者在电视直播中作为手淫的辅助手段。精明但运气不佳的电视主管Sherman Frobish想出了一个绝妙的主意,那就是举办一场现场电视性爱秀比赛,参赛者在轮滑比赛中进行性交挽救他挣扎的职业生涯。