- The untold story of how legal pioneer Mary Bonauto partnered with small town Vermont lawyers Beth Robinson and Susan Murray in a 2-decade long struggle that built the foundation for the entire marriage equality movement. Despite fierce opposition, Vermont became the first state to grant same sex couples legal recogniti…
- 在该节目中,节目组欺骗12位普通美国女人前往英国会见「哈里王子」,并声称她们有机会赢得「哈里王子」的爱情并成为英国王妃。这些女人将自己打扮得花枝招展,然后高高兴兴地去了……事实上她们要见的只是一个普通的英国人,名叫Matthew Hicks——只不过他的长相酷似哈里王子,已经到了能够以假乱真的程度。在首集中,这些美国女人第一次见到她…
- Margaret Thatcher was Britain's first and only woman Prime Minister. In her eleven years in office she defeated Argentina in the Falklands War and at home she battled the unions into submission. Under her guidance, the Conservative government brought in privatisation and deregulated the City. In this special programme …