- http://www.martarodriguez.org/martarodriguez.org/Soraya, Amor No es Olvido (2006).htmlThe daily struggle of an Afro-Colombian woman fleeing the paramilitaries in Chocó. A disturbing film with neither dialogue nor commentary on the nightmare of a disintegrating Colombia.Against the background of the paramilitary disarma…
- Mail <svaradi@sprynet.com> for translation. Ki ne ismerne Mora Ferenc meghitt hangulatu novellajat a kis Bicebocarol, az oreg Kusmodi bacsirol, s a kincskereso kiskodmonrol? Az obanya egy veletlen baleset kovetkezteben felrobban, Biceboca orokre elvesziti egyetlen tamaszat, Kusmodi bacsit. Ferkoek befogadjak a ki…
- The Archimedes Principle of buoyancy states that a body submerged in fluid is acted upon by a force equal to that of the displaced fluid. It is this law of displacement and macrocosmic neutralization that seemingly governs the life of a rising, junior executive named Sonia as well who, unable to find a babysitter one e…