搜索 Marta

  • 电影
    卡尼古拉是罗马帝国最荒淫,残暴的皇帝之一。这部史诗般的大制作影片描述了这位暴君从杀父篡位到死于乱戟之下的短暂一生,和其中所犯下的种种罪恶和荒淫。影片由意大利著名导演Tinto Brass执导,演员包括Malcolm McDowell, Peter O'Toole, John Gielgud。 这部带有强烈背景的电影不一定会绝后,但一定是空前的。它完成于西方性解放的高峰时期…
  • Imre Nagy led Hungary's 1956 revolution and was executed after its defeat. His name remained taboo for some 30 years, his political activity the subject of controversy and heated debate – up until his complete personal rehabilitation and that of his political legacy. THE UNBURIED MAN was among the first gestures to pay…
  • Lianna and her husband Dick has been married for a few years but the mariage isn't a happy one, since Dick treats her with arrogance...
  • 电影剧情
  • This is a relatively short film of 70 minutes but it's top quality. Set in a mining town, it records the development of two shy people falling in love but finding it difficult to express their true feelings. Tamas a young coal miner has an eye for the girls but is too bashful to ask for a date. Juli is a teacher in cha…
  • A good-looking young guy living in a village on the Basque coast is set to marry his sweetheart. A series of events pose obstacles. He rents a room from a sexy French widow with a shady past, and finds a crashed vehicle near his new rented room. What impact will these events have on his calm, routine life, and the othe…
  • 戈登(Peter Fenton 饰)自幼就体弱多病,患有哮喘症。长大之后,他变成了一个阴郁的男人,沉迷于烟草和酒精之中,将本来就很孱弱的身体搞得更加糟糕。赛西亚(萨莎·霍勒 Sacha Horler 饰)生的矮矮胖胖,还常年被湿疹困扰,样貌可谓是不敢恭维,性格也过于的天真和单纯,上帝开玩笑般的将这两个社会最底层的边缘人牵到了一起。戈登和赛西亚之…
  • 在一个已经有些旧的房间里,一顶女士红帽子与一套男士衣服运用音乐的手法,向对方表达着自己的爱意。
  • 年逾七十的索拉已拍過多次音樂舞蹈電影,被譽為真正的“歌舞片大內高手”,連《紅磨坊》Moulin Rouge導演巴茲魯曼的成名作《舞國英雄》Strictly Ballroom也受他啟發。05年的作品《嚮舞》Iberia是他第六度以佛朗明哥為題材的電影,但精力旺盛的他只要登高一呼,在全世界各大音樂廳表演的西班牙大師級舞蹈家及音樂家們,必定放下手邊工作,飛回西…