- Unhappy Happy is the comedic/dramatic story of an unhappy, corporate-team builder who tries to invent a device to bring happiness to his terminally-ill brother with the help of a brilliant-but-damaged woman. Unhappy Happy asks the question: What is the nature of true happiness?
- Sarah Devereaux, an up and coming lawyer for the Public Prosecutor's Office, was assigned to bring down one of the most notorious and ruthless gangland figures in the country, Charlie Mehigan. Compiling a dossier on him and his equally ruthless wife Helen, she found that she could only send Helen to prison, in the hope…
- 罗马大将军泰特斯•安德洛尼克斯征战哥特人十年凯旋而归,并俘虏了哥特人皇后塔摩拉及她的儿子们。泰特斯把塔摩拉的长子当作祭品以慰他在战事中死去的十多位儿子。塔摩拉苦苦哀求却无法求得泰特斯的慈悲。自此,她对泰特斯恨之入骨。命运难料,罗马帝王取塔摩拉为后,得势的塔摩拉在嬖奴阿伦的帮助下,开始了对泰特斯的血腥报复。这出被称为莎士…
- When Greipr, a young alcoholic is released from his rehabilitation he enter the world with a newly lit optimism. During rehab he met Lea, a single mother who is currently in a conflict with the social services regarding the custody of her daughter. Greipr tries to help Lea, together they start dreaming of a better life…