- Sea of Faith was a six-part documentary television series, presented on BBC television in 1984 by Don Cupitt. The programme dealt with the history of Christianity in the modern world, focussing especially on how Christianity has responded to challenges such as scientific advances, political atheism and secularisation i…
- You Bet Your Life was taken from Groucho's radio series of the same name. It was inspired after Groucho had done an improvisational scene with Bob Hope on radio. The idea was the same as it later was with Bill Cosby: to invite people on and have an unrehearsed conversation with them. Groucho could always be counted on …
- In post-war Casablanca, Ronald Kornblow is hired to run a hotel whose previous managers have all wound up being murdered. French soldier Pierre suspects the involvement of ex-Nazis, specifically Count Pfefferman (in reality, the notorious Heinrich Stubel). Pierre is accused of collaborating with the enemy and attempts …
- 二战期间,臭名昭著的纳粹女指挥官伊莎在盟军即将打来之前,以女人做实验,残酷迫害无辜少女,而男人是供她玩乐的工具,直到沃尔夫的到来,改变了着一切,凭出色的床上功夫征服了伊莎,最后将这只母狼绑在床沿,发动了一场革命,使里面的犯人拿起武器和纳粹禽兽战斗······