- Winner of a prestigious Special Mention jury award at the Berlin International Film Festival, Quality of Life is a narrative feature film that tells the gripping and authentic story of Michael "Heir" Rosario and Curtis “Vain” Smith, the most prolific and talented graffiti writers in the Mission District in Sa…
- Two young men coming from the same social background - the poor outskirts of Recife, one of the biggest cities in Brazil - become two opposite kind of citizens. One is a dangerous hit man, the other, a peaceful musician.By night Recife looks like an attractive city. The documentary "The Little Prince's Rap Against…
- 改编自Nigel Kneale以Quatermass为主角的系列科幻小说。Quatermass指挥的火箭运行发生意外,着陆后三名宇航员只剩一名,并且神志不清,身体发生着奇怪的变异。Quatermass必须尽快查明原因,拯救人类的命运。
- "Cops" meets "Star Wars" as a camera crew spends a day travelling around with Imperial Troopers on the beat. The first run in is called Stolen Droids and is about some Jawas who are suspected of possessing stolen goods. The second is a Domestic Dispute involving a couple who live on a desert farm.
- In the titillating Italian sex comedy Cugini carnali (1974), there isn't much to do in the sleepy rural hamlet that Nico (Alfredo Pea) calls home. As a result, there's a lot of sleeping around to stave off the boredom. Unfortunately the bashful Nico doesn't get nearly as much action as he'd like. Enter Sonja: The beaut…