搜索 Math

  • 电影由三个相互穿插关联的短片组成。   《趾高气昂的女人》:郁美刚一踏上社会就遭遇了求职被拒的悲惨事件,之后更是被一直以来暗恋的男生让情敌抢去的消息打击得不轻,然而,坚强又倔强的郁美决定将伤痛埋藏在心底。一次偶然中,郁美结识了名叫早田真的男人,意外的是,郁美竟然被这个满嘴胡话的男人吸引了   《声音颤抖的女人》:六美心地…
  • 电影喜剧
  • 莱特是一只可爱的充满活力的小刺猬,她拥有自信的态度和生动的想象力,并且一直梦想着能成为无畏的英雄拯救世界。当有一天,森林里的动物醒来,发现神奇的水石失踪了,森林正面临着干旱,勇敢的刺猬莱特和胆小的松鼠栗宝自告奋勇的踏上寻找水魔法石的旅程,他们穿过了不毛之地,骗过了狡猾的狼群,终于找到了被熊王斑图偷走的神奇水石,开启了一…
  • During World War II, in Nazi-occupied Norway, a state police officer sets out on a quest to find the Necronomicon, the Book of the Dead.
  • A troubled young woman is haunted by a malevolent entity after an attempted suicide.
  • When Muhimu the zebra asks Bunga to babysit, his unorthodox style soon catches on, and he is put in charge of several more young Pride Landers.
  • Two paranormal investigators are unexpectedly thrown together in the hope of solving a 100 year mystery. Locked for three nights in a house with a dark and unsettling past, the two investigators must put their differences to one side and work together. Scepticism and showmanship are soon put to one side when the two in…
  • Two astronauts attempt to plant their flag on a newly discovered planet. But first they need to get rid of some pesky aliens whose business there is unknown.
  • When Percy Jackson receives an urgent distress call, he immediately prepares for battle. This third adventure in the series finds Percy faced with his most dangerous challenge yet: The chilling prophecy of The Titan's Curse.