搜索 Maw

  • The Ik were described as sadists who starved their own children and crapped in front of each others' homes for fun. They were reviled as the worst and most depraved beings on Earth, and it was recommended that their culture be destroyed for its own good. No one has dared to film them in the 40 years since they were fir…
  • 卡斯特桥市长
    This is an excellent British TV production of Thomas Hardy's classic novel. I watched it after I saw the updated version on A&E starring Ciaran Hinds (which is good too). This version is about 3 times as long and more true to the novel. Excellent acting and on location filming make this a winner. It's in a live play st…
  • 间谍我爱你
    你有没有想过你的爱人,儿子,侄子或竞争对手是否是同性恋?不用担心,因为用一些钱,你就可以聘请一个间谍团队,他们会为你找到证据,避免任何冲突。从事广告行业的Nangfah(Patricia Tanchanok Good饰)非常清楚被同性恋者欺骗是什么感觉,毕竟她自从小学毕业以来就和他们约会,并且在每一段关系中都被愚弄了。最新一段关系终于将Nangfa…
  • 死神的女儿
    天帝授命守护神Akara(kwan父亲)捉拿制造四界(天界、人界、冥界、海洋界)混乱的邪恶神Oma和其军队 ,并将他们关进无可逃脱的Nikan天狱,守护神Akara将收藏监狱钥匙的地图被分成四个部分,交给四位天将保管,并且命四位天将隐藏在人间,没人能找到他们。Akin是邪恶神Oma 的儿子,因为没有罪证无法将他一并关进天狱,所以守护神Akara让他继…
  • 英版同志亦凡人第二季
    Two gay friends, Vince and Stuart, live on a cocktail of sex, drugs and clubbing. They are both 29, and Stuart is the type of guy who cops off every time he goes out. One night, he spots 15-year-old Nathan, and brings him back to his apartment where they make love. Now, Nathan is still after Stuart, but Stuart just thi…
  • 奔赴阳光
    查塔卡(塔纳朋·凌态苏 Thanapon Nimtaisuk 饰)成长在一个破碎的家庭之中,她的母亲纳帕迫于家庭的压力,最终选择了政治联姻,嫁给了自己并不爱的男人,也抛弃了查塔卡。因此,查塔卡度过了非常艰苦的童年时代,他将所有的不幸的原因都归结到了母亲的抛弃上,包括父亲的死。当成年后的查帕卡发现母亲已经成为了一个非常有名的政治家,并且过上…
  • 电视剧悬疑
    本剧是以“心灵占卜术”为题材的悬疑推理剧。  12年前郑泰勋遭到学校暴力被杀害,弟弟郑泰成被送去孤儿院,盗用了孤儿院出生的吴承贺(朱智勋 饰)的名字生存下来,自学考取了司法考试第一名成为律师。但他却以一个杀人魔王的姿态对杀害他哥哥的人一一进行报复。  作为国会议员姜东玄的儿子姜傲秀(严泰雄 饰),高中时代由于对父亲不闻不问…
  • 杀死老妈的50种方法第一季
    The series was born after Ashmawy's mum and co-star Nancy, 72, announced that she wanted to do a skydive. The first series was one of the most watched programmes on Sky 1 in Ireland in 2014, followed by Season 2 which was as to delightful as the first.The show has been licensed by Sky Vision into over 150 territories w…
  • 血之对决