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  • 电影剧情
    You are never fully liberated from Auschwitz, 11 July 2016\r\n  Author: Red-125 from Upstate New York\r\n  The French movie "à la vie" was shown in the U.S. with the translated title "To Life (2014)." It was written a…
  • 电影动作
    派拉蒙叫停大卫·芬奇执导,布拉德·皮特主演的[僵尸世界大战]续集。该片原定于今春或夏初在亚特兰大开拍,而现在前期制作已经暂停。消息人士称,预算问题已经到了紧张关头,但不清楚这些问题是如何酝酿的,也不清楚酝酿了多长时间。同样不清楚的是,该项目是否会重新开发,或者是否会无限期搁置。目前,派拉蒙和CAA,皮特和Plan B方面,都没有…
  • Violent youth gangs and a police force way out of its depth. When a police operation goes awry and two policemen die, the powder keg threatens to ignite as the SWAT team knows only one goal: revenge - irrespective of the law.
  • 电影喜剧
  •   25岁的伊莲活跃在对抗纳粹的抵抗运动中,奉命监视德国海军军官汉斯,他将成为潜艇U864的大副,并且被委派了秘密任务。出乎伊莲预料的是,她爱上了汉斯。即便汉斯已经和另一个女人订婚,但是他也被伊莲深深地吸引了。紧要关头,伊莲成功送出了关键性的信息—潜艇U864前往日本的准确路线。英国人怀疑希特勒计划将神秘的武器送到力量薄弱的日本…
  • 故事寫一名女子生命中的四段日子。一個鄉村小女孩,不幸倦入了一場捉迷藏遊戲的悲劇中。一個離家出走的少女,男人換了一個又一個,為的只是要擺脫刻板無趣的家庭生活。一個年輕女子,搬到巴黎居住又遇到一些事,險做成無可挽救的後果。最後便是一個以為擺脫過往一切的成熟婦人。這四個人物一點一滴地融合成同一個女人。
  • High in the mountains, two orphaned children keep their mother's death secret. They survive until the villagers destroy their innocence when they brutally assault the girl. Now, the siblings must protect each other to survive.
  • 讲述一个现代刽子手的故事
  • The list of predicted dooms days is long and goes back thousands of years, yet the world is still turning like it always has been. But what needs to be done when your friend disappears in fear of the world's end? Marion, a sensationalistic TV-journalist, decides to look for her friend Lucia who disappears after a quarr…