- Adapted from Ayşegül Çiçekoğlu's book of the same name, the brief plot of the series is as follows; Alize, who lost her mother the day she was born, is a beautiful but very selfish young girl who was spoiled and raised by her father. Ali…
- A tale of a young man and the journey of Love in his life to understand the meaning of eternal love and its purpose. An emotional roller coaster presented with a touch of fantasy .
- Examines some of the biggest social media crises of all time to highlight the negative aspects of influencer culture.
- 自那之后已经过去了5年。Amazon几乎被驱除,世界趋于和平。但是被Amazon细胞感染的普通人Amazon化的现象在持续发生扩大,为此政府组成了新组织4C,秘密驱除Amazon化的人类。 其中,幼年时期被Amazon养大的少年·千翼变身假面骑士Amazon Neo与Amazon战斗。但在被生来的吃人冲动所驱使的他的面前出现的是,变身为乌鸦Amazon并作为生物兵…
- 在某个城市中存在着不为人知的被称为Amazon的吞噬人类的异形的存在。它们的数量,竟达到4000只。制造出这个怪物的元凶正是野座间制药公司!命令名下的野座间Peston Service驱除班秘密处理“Amazon”。 就是在这种情况下,在清洁干净的房屋中一步也不出去的平稳生活着的青年水泽悠和只靠野生的直觉和战斗力的像野兽一样的活着的男人鹰山仁相识…
- 日本特摄电影《假面骑士Amazons THE MOVIE 最后的审判》。《假面骑士Amazons》终于迎来了完结篇。 “人类”与“Amazon”,“悠”与“仁”之间战斗的前方是!? “野生”与“圈养”,Amazon的未来又是如何? 来亲眼印证冲击的最终战吧!!