- Using their smartphones, an ensemble of diverse characters documents their confinement and strip down the walled-in everyday life during quarantine. The Lockdown vol. 1 is an intimate and sincere portrait of the early months of the Covid-19 pandemic.
- While the older sister throws out her feelings in poetry slams, the 10-year-old Moja attempts in her own way to hold things together and repair the hole that her mother's death has torn in her family. Sara Kern tells of a childlike process of grief and closure which does not shut its eyes to the cracks in the world, bu…
- AnimpressivesolarstormbefallstheEarthcausingpowersurgesandblackouts.AdeeperstormragesinthesoulofRegina,alonelyspinstercalled'Fräulein',afteramysterioustouristpassesthegateofherhotelclosedforyears.Whatwassupposedtobeaonenightmeeting,itwillt…