- 传奇黑客为拯救人类被系统AI追杀身死,意外成为异界第一宗门的宗主,但为了应对宗内全是卧底的局面和随身而来的系统危机,陈宁只想低调的再观望看看。但如锥处囊中,纵使他冷面无双心系世人,也是万花丛中过,朵朵都沾身,最后在系统代理人姜雀的帮助下,陈宁王霸之躯一抖,敌我双方纳头便拜!世界隐秘争先恐后对他打开,最终破解灭世危机。
- In the family of photographer-turned-filmmaker Misha Vallejo no one ever talks about his grandfather. He only hears about him for the first time as an adult, thanks to an abandoned photo collection. Who was this shadow? And what legacy looms over the family? In his debut film Light Memories, Vallejo shows how the effec…
- After hearing about a pagoda’s mysterious disappearance, a group of filmmakers embarks on a journey to find an explanation.
- Savage Memory uses the controversies surrounding the legacy of the founding father of British Anthropology to explore powerful questions surrounding history and the ways in which it is created; memory and it's fluidity; and the imprints of the spirits of the dead. Told through the lens of Malinowski's great grandson, t…