- Documentary exploring the dynamic relationship that developed between British composer Benjamin Britten and the BBC as they worked together to broadcast modern classical music further and wider. Through this collaboration, Britten's music reached television audiences, from elaborately staged studio operas, intimate due…
- When a photograph is taken at the scene of a murder, the camera is tossed out of a castle window to destroy the evidence and lands in the back of a passing car belonging to chemist John Gray who becomes amateur sleuth after developing the film and goes in search of the woman captured by the photograph. When the camera …
- A couple of young university students decide to spend the day in Toledo, in order to forget a little of the routine in which they are. At nine o'clock in the morning, José Luis waits at the Atocha station for his girlfriend, Mari Carmen. The couple has deceived their families, who have told that they will eat in the Fa…
- Tove drömmer att hon går omkring på en ödslig plats. Bakom henne finns en mörk följeslagare och framför ett gäng med vandrande pinnar som dansar och flirtar.
- 非洲真是一片神奇的陆地这里聚集着数以万计的动物这一集中 我们将会看到长跑健将 猎豹自信杀手 薮猫弹跳能手 狞猫草原之王 雄狮还有……敏捷中透出狡猾凶狠中藏有可爱看猎豹那坚定的小眼神吧画面胜过千言万语~可怜的瞪羚呦 为什么被吃的总是你~~~(@酸奶)转自夏末秋字幕组
- Plot Keywords: JazzSoundtracks"Take Five"Written and Performed by the Dave Brubeck Quartet