- Synopsis In Palmi, a small town in Calabria, Don Vincenzo, a brilliant and retired farmer, gets the crazy idea to revive the local football team. He organizes a bizarre fundraising campaign to recruit Etienne Morville, a Serie A player, with a difficult temper, but among the strongest in the world. Although he’s reluc…
- Andie is on a mission to shake her stigma with the help of her three best friends.
- Produced by Courteney Cox and David Arquette, Celebrity Name Game is a hilarious game that features celebrities and everyday people teaming up to identify the names of famous people, ranging from actors and athletes to fictional characters. The game is based on the popular board game 'Identity Crisis'.At some tapings, …
- In Europe, during the Medieval Age and in St Jacob's way area, Dubidoso, a child with magical powers will suffer the persecution of the town's Lord, who will accused him of witchcraft. Dubidoso and Destreza, his friend, will experience many touching adventures during their runaway and, without realizing, it will arise …
- A group of five monsters called "Disgustoids" (Festro, Gweelock, Fart, Dingle, and Slog), come to Earth, and try to find a way for themselves and the humans to live together in harmony, but they keep running into different problems along the way.
- The world watches in awe as the Roebling Clipper is launched into space. Using state-of-the-art scalar engines to fly around the Moon and back in just hours, the maiden voyage of the first-ever trans-lunar passenger ship is about to make history. Among those on board: First Lady Simone Mathany, space-exploration entrep…
- De nombreuses femmes de la haute société bloquées par leur situation sociale, refoulent des fantasmes. En monnayant leurs caprices sexuels, en se faisant prendre dans des lieux insolites, elles découvrent de façon parfois violente, la jou…