- In the quiet Western New York village of Red Hill, rebellious high school senior Johnny Grissom, nicknamed "Johnny Gruesome" by his classmates, goes on a drunken joyride with his best friend Eric Carter, girlfriend Karen Slatter, and drug fiend Gary Belter. Gary murders Johnny and convinces Eric and Karen to …
- Marianne runs a business in the south of France. Widowed, racist and estranged from her daughter, she works all day and lives alone. One day, her daughter calls her to tell her she has a son on his way to see her. The kid is half-black.
- An assassin goes on a spiritual journey. The fear of death follows from the the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
- In 2013, a video of three African-American pre-teens playing remarkably accomplished heavy metal in a New York street performance went viral. Sony records were quick to approach the group with a staggering $1.8 million dollar contract. With a title that makes a nod to metallica documentary Some Kind of Monster, the fil…