- 外星人研制出人类天敌,并向人类提出交易,以巨额财富换取一亿人充当小白鼠。人类投票选出一亿人后,并没有人愿意履行义务。于是人类爆发内战并造成了十亿人伤亡。外星人说,其实他们压根没有研发什么天敌,因为他们一直都知道,人类的天敌就是人性本身。
- Dragica does not lack for work. The house and cattle in western Serbia demand toil from dawn to dusk. She milks, harvests, prepares porridge for her handicapped daughter. Her own mother recently passed away. Now Dragica wears black and shaves her old father. Can there be an alternative to this daily self-sacrifice? Alm…