搜索 Millar

  • 电影动作
    康斯坦丁电影公司拿下游戏《正当防卫》的电影版权,“John Wick”三部曲编剧德里克·科尔斯塔操刀剧本!康斯坦丁正计划与Prime Universe Films合力推出电影系列。影片[正当防卫]将遵循游戏的蓝图,里科·罗德里格斯执行一项与时间赛跑的任务,以阻止雇佣兵组织“黑手”。
  • This was one of the very first VHS tapes I hunted down. Here we have what I consider the worst film of all time. Not only is it shot on video, but the editing, padding, acting, etc. are absolutely awful. There is no part of this film of any value other than the nostalgia it brings 25 years later. The cover is classic, …
  • A hardened bounty hunter, a gang of outlaws in his trust and a preacher are forced to work together and battle their way across the old west of the 1870s when the zombie apocalypse begins.
  • 电影爱情
  • 电影
    David Millar是唯一夺冠环法自行车赛的英国人,但2004年他因服用禁药而被捕禁赛。如今重回赛场的他,希望能再次冲击环法,可是他已然不再年轻了,他究竟能否如愿以偿,又愿意为胜利付出多少代价呢?
  • 电视剧
    温特沃斯第二季重磅回归!新一季的故事始于Bea干掉仇人Jacs Holt三个月之后,Franky已经成为温特沃斯监狱里新一代的牢头狱霸,而此时Bea则在禁闭室饱受煎熬。然而初来乍到的新狱长Joan Ferguson打算改变这一切,重建温特沃斯的秩序。by-考羊羊@悸花字幕组
  • 综艺
    Writer Will Millard explores the extraordinary people of the Coral Triangle in the Western Pacific. Here whale hunters, spear fishermen and ocean traders all live in close connection to the sea.
  • 电视剧少女
    在新登场的第七季中,导演延续了其经久不衰的超人题材,而几名主要角色的生活和战斗剧情,也将该剧打造成了一部动作大片。在本季中,Clark Kent和Lex Luthor之间的关系急转直下,成为势不两立的敌人,而这一情节在超人漫迷中广为人知,也备受推崇。第七季还邀请了另外几名超人扮演者友情客串,为该剧增色不少,定能让观看者激动不已。本季中Cl…