- MORTUARY MASSACRE is a gruesome Horror Anthology that centers around Detective Giger's (Todd Brown) debriefing of several mysterious deaths, all taking place on Halloween night. The local mortician (Carl Crew) tells Giger the backstories behind three particular victims, each of them filled with plenty of gore, sex and …
- In the British countryside, the Harver family head out on an idyllic summer camping trip where they can bury past tensions and enjoy some family bonding. But when their camp is sabotaged by an unseen intruder in the night, they head to the nearby creepy old farm desperate for help, where vengeful farmer Hunt Hansen and…
- Connaissez-vous Lacan, que beaucoup considèrent comme le plus grand psychanalyste depuis Freud ? Au-delà du mythe, des légendes et parfois des anathèmes, ce film de Gérard Miller nous permet de découvrir son œuvre et sa personnalité, grâc…
- Chad Steelman, local legend and deadbeat, recruits a team to take vengeance on the might mythical Pegasus.
- When sardonic high school senior Sophie O'Dea inherits her neurotic grandmother's car, an old automobile named Star, she is told the car has magical powers. But when Sophie casually makes a wish upon Star for a date to the Valentine's dance, her wish comes true in the form of Drake, a famous upcoming actor from Los Ang…
- Cliff is a low budget independent film maker who decides to journey a dark road of crime, murder and deception in order to accomplish his goals.