- Set in Manhattan, this delightfully witty primetime serial focused on the cut-throat worlds of modeling and cosmetic. Storylines centered around acid-tongued modeling executive Racine, who held fief over the careers of young models Laurie Caswell and Taryn Blake, and cosmetics tycoon Grant Harper.
- A hard-working mother hires a male nanny to take care of her son, but soon discovers that he is an antisocial psychopath bent on destroying her family
- Synopsis: One of Gustav Machaty's (Ecstasy) major achievements, From Saturday to Sunday is marked by a gentle romanticism. Two secretaries go out on a double date, but the inexperienced Mary flees when offered money for sexual favors. She takes refuge in a cafe and encounters a plebeian Prince Charming. The film recoun…
- This movie contains three short stories dealing with the theme of homosexuality. In "A Friend of Dorothy", a woman joins the Navy during the 1950's and discovers lesbianism. In "Mr. Roberts", a teacher in a 1970's classroom struggles with his closeted gay status. Finally in "Amos and Andy"…
- A sprawling two-hour forty-five minute documentary about screen legend Marlon Brando, features never-before-seen footage and a series of original, in-depth interviews from a wide variety of Hollywood figures and family members. Included are classic film clips from many of his films including "A Streetcar Named Des…