- 2014年圣诞我们依然有长达两个小时的《唐顿庄园》特别篇作伴。鉴于2012年以悲剧结尾的圣诞特辑播出之后,大批愤怒的观众向ITV投诉说这个结局毁了他们的圣诞节,这几年我们应该不会看到编剧朱利安·费罗斯在圣诞又一次大开杀戒了。今年的特别篇会给剧迷塑造出前所未有节日气氛,剧情也将难得聚焦在克劳利一家的圣诞经历上。其实圣诞剧集是可以完…
- Aspiring fashion entrepreneurs present their companies to several investors in hopes to gain a deal and grow their businesses.
- Roger Rabbit once again is chosen for the dangerous task of babysitting Baby Herman and everything is going to be just fine. "Not like last time!!" Baby Herman immediately swallows his rattle and is rushed to the hospital. The rattle get's out, but then Roger swallows it and doctors are about to cut him open …