- Epiosode 39 of the hugely successful German crime serial "Der Kommissar" which started 1969 by ZDF - more than 1 year before the ARD "Tatort" serial.Those were the days when there were just 2 (!) TV channels available in Germany, so every evening, you had to decide if you watched ARD or ZDF, meaning…
- 优美的旋律随风飘来,久久回荡在密西西比河的上空。在河岸边的棉花田里,农奴们边唱歌便采摘棉花,他们太用心工作了,没留神将住在附近的兔八哥(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)卷入棉花堆。还没等这只兔子回过神来,他就被装入蒸气轮船中。还没搞清状况的兔八哥探出头来,四下张望,发现船员正在查票。为了防止被对方扔下去,他乔装打扮一番,…