- Weir博士重获新生,McKay博士试图拯救遭受复制者攻击后早已成千疮百孔的亚特兰蒂斯。可供使用的能源仅可维持24小时,又无法使用星际之门,亚特兰蒂斯小队能否再次战胜世界末日......McKay与Sheppard计划从复制者的手中夺回ZPM。而与此同时,Samantha Carter会同Apollo正在找寻传说中遗失的城市--亚特兰蒂斯。McKay他们的计划能否成功?C…
- Documentary on naive Brazilian artist Moacir. Facing many problems, such as impaired hearing and speaking, abnormal bone formation and poverty, black artist Moacir lives in the National Park of Chapada dos Veadeiros, aloof and oblivious of outside world, and was discovered by director Walter Carvalho in the 1980s. He s…
- I went into this film under the impression that it would be an Italian crime flick. It is; but it's not the type I'm used to, as instead of all the fights and car chases that I would usually expect from this sort of film, we merely get lumbered with a load of talking and theories that don't have much weight behind them…