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  • Then this is your film. And even if you're not a pumpkins fan, you can certainly enjoy the live performances. The live stuff is fantastic, and the skits are humorous and fit in well. This is one of the best productions by a band I've ever seen, and I hope that Vieuphoria 2 comes out eventually.
  • 日内瓦火车站。 一个将要去马赛举行讲座的女人。 一个急着去柏林找孩子的男人。 一个要去那不勒斯生活的少妇。 当另一个人被邀请坐在对面的座位上时,将展开一场新的故事。 三场会面,三个生活故事交织上演在火车站台。 如果说真正的生活在别处?
  • In this truly absurdist comedy, Sweet Stephen is a murderer with a conscience personified by the mysterious Mr. Jack. Together Jack and Stephen wander the streets of Los Angeles philosophizing about free will, life, and death while beautiful women are found dead and dismembered in their wake. It is going to take a true…
  • A small-town woman balances her family obligations, career, and marriage to a successful man.
  • 这部剧情片意大利著名摇滚明星Luciano Ligabue导演处女作改编自自传体短篇小说集《村里村外》(Fuori e dentro il borgo)这部小说集讲述了70年代意大利小镇成长故事影片中DJ Bruno(Lucian Federico饰)回顾了过去朋友圈、还有整整一代人希望。这群朋友核心Freccia(Stefano Accorsi饰)一位瘾君子直至Marzia(Patri…
  • 乔希是一个和养父母住在一起的高中男生,和他的朋友们(包括年轻的女同性恋贝拉)一起参与了一些小犯罪。突然,他的哥哥瓦尔特(Walter)来了(他在10年前18岁时离开了家,这几年他的音信都没有了)。在那之后,Walter开始让Josh参与各种新的犯罪活动,包括抢劫。
  • “穷人老是去打别人的仗”,Michael Moore的文本过于简化,背后有血有肉的故事才给你看到世界今天沦落到什么地步。父亲死后安素的家顿时瓦解,妈妈精神崩溃,妹妹跑去车厂当生产线工人,他苦寻工作无望,想去偷去抢,都闯不过良心一关,和女友闹翻之后决定投军,却从科索沃带回一生的烙印。看不见希望的少年走在败落的那不勒斯城郊,不也正是半…
  • 电影青春
  • Hamalla is banished from his village in Mali, due to ancient prejudices. He returns four years later versed in modern technology at a time in which the village's future hangs on the brink as the holy well of the ancestors, symbol of the spirituality of the entire community, is contaminated. In the face of epidemic, Ham…