搜索 Moll

  • Taste is our most indulgent sense but it is only in recent years that we have started to understand why we really love the foods we do - and it is a lot more surprising than you might think.There may a way to make food taste sweeter without adding any extra sugar and it is all down to a trick that happens in your brain…
  • 一栋建筑楼上楼下住了4个生活方式、作息习惯迥异的人。某夜,4楼的先回到家,吃完晚饭坐在沙发上看书时,3楼的来到家,不一会,传来电视机发出的声响,4楼的抗议一番,3楼的健身睡觉;随后,2楼的到家,开始用吸尘器打扫卫生,噪音将3楼的吵醒,他又起来抗议,2楼的洗漱完毕上床休息;后来1楼的一进门就开始吹号,楼上3层各种抗议声、嚎叫声此起…
  • The list of predicted dooms days is long and goes back thousands of years, yet the world is still turning like it always has been. But what needs to be done when your friend disappears in fear of the world's end? Marion, a sensationalistic TV-journalist, decides to look for her friend Lucia who disappears after a quarr…
  • Flynn Productions公司的夫妇导演组合卡尼和绍尔为美国凯尔特朋克乐队Flogging Molly的单曲《漂流》制作的音乐视频讲述了一个瘦弱、疲倦的简笔画人物踏上了一个从城市到大海的史诗般的征程并在途中不断壮大自己的故事。视频混用了定格、3D动画和真实动作等技术。视频中的外景是用手持或放在自制轨道上的单眼数字照相机拍摄的;CG是在Maya…
  • 电影
    The "Bloods" are the most intimidating and violent gang in the city. A lawless city... where gangs rule the streets... The vicious and blood thirsty murderer Slater is their leader. The city is his domain... he rules! There are those who are not members of gangs such as Mikey and his friends. Mikey lives on t…
  • 「設計思考」是當下設計界和企業界同樣熱門討論的一個話題, 近年由美國知名公司 IDEO 所引爆,提倡左右腦並進的企業模式,也將人性關懷及創意發想帶進創業與決策的大雅之堂。設計思考的理念和用途, 當前在美國備受爭議, 而本片的出現客觀呈現各界對設計思考的正反意見, 將能帶來更多的省思。