- 韩国奥林匹克2连胜的主角-手球队最优秀的选手美淑,但是她奉献了全部力量的手球队却解散了,她放弃了如同生命全部的手球,为了谋生开始在一家大型超市内工作。曾经是日本著名职业手球队教练的慧京接替了处于危机的韩国手球国家代表队教练的位置尔重返韩国。为了增强球队的战斗力,她将自己的老同事兼竞争对手美淑以及过去一同经历奥运辉煌的老选…
- Brand new documentary that counts down the best moments from one of the most notorious and ground-breaking British sitcoms of all time. Comedians and celebrity fans reveal their own favourite moments from the anarchic show, which are surely bound to include Motorhead's barnstorming performance of Ace Of Spades, the tri…