- Bernard meets Jane in a Night Club, in London, and he likes her. Her father was killed in a car accident, but Jane thinks he has been killed because he was blackmailed for a picture of his second wife, Jane’s mother in law. In the same Night Club Bernard finds the blackmailer corpse and Jane near him, but he believes s…
- Abel, an immature and eccentric man finds himself at a turning point. He sleepwalks through his life, which revolves around his dying mother and journalist girlfriend Madeleine, who is even more immature than he is. Abel is finally made to face up to reality when he has to say goodbye to his mother and then, by chance,…
- LIP製錶廠勞工抗爭是1970年代法國社會史中無法抹滅的一頁。歷經長期的紛紛擾擾,工人們視‘Lip’為「解放」之名,(再度)佔領了工廠,再度展開了鐘錶的生產。然而男性所主控的抗爭訴求,簡直是半個字也沒提到為數過半的女性們!何謂民主?何謂工作?而本片所紀錄的,正是來自工廠女性們優雅、風趣而有力的指證。