- 宏伟巨制《埃及艳后》票房失利,为扭转财政危机,20世纪福克斯公司于1962年邀请包括迪尔•马丁、希德夏•里丝在内的众多明星拍摄喜剧电影《双凤奇缘》(Somethings got to give),息影一年的玛丽莲•梦露,亦应邀担当主演。然影片开拍仅仅8周,梦露就因健康和缺席等问题惨遭换角,两个月后,这位传奇女星便因服药过量香消玉殒。本纪录片从这部…
- After having come in last in the first leg, Wendy is given the unenviable task of eliminating one of her fellow racers, or faces elimination, herself. Winston's half-brother joins the race as his partner, as Alex finds himself a new partner as they realize the leg to Cape Canaveral is only a part of the next segment of…