搜索 Morrison

  • This is a really interesting film about how large the universe is and how powers of ten become so drastically distant.It starts out by showing a couple at a picnic in Chicago. It then shows an overhead shot a meter up of the man lying down on the picnic blanket. It then proceeds to zoom out by increasing the distance b…
  • Eleven-year-old David Wiseman is mad about cricket but no good at it. He has the entire kit but none of the skill, and he's a laughingstock at school. So when a Jamaican family moves in next door and builds a cricket net in the back garden, David is in seventh heaven. But this is 1960s Britain, and when the neighbours …
  • 尼可(Nico),原名克莉斯塔·帕夫根(Christa Päffgen),1938年10月16日出生于德国科隆,1988年7月18日逝世于西班牙伊维萨岛,德国歌手、词曲作者、音乐人、模特、演员。她在费德里科·费里尼(Federico Fellini)的《La Dolce Vita》(1960)和安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)的《Chelsea Girls》(1966)等电影里均有…
  • 粘土动画定格大作。以马克吐温与哈雷彗星的因缘为基点,讲述马克吐温与几位童鞋乘坐飞艇访问彗星的奇妙冒险。其中穿插了马克吐温若干作品的动画戏说:The Adventures of Tom SawyerThe Mysterious StrangerThe Damned Human RaceThe Diary of Adam and Eve (Letters from the Earth)Captain Storm…
  • 本片是黏土动画片,1983年获得奥斯卡最佳动画短片提名。脱口秀节目中,主持人围绕“二战”大秀演技。罗斯福、丘吉尔、麦克阿瑟、巴顿等等著名历史人物,是他模仿又开涮的对象,他不时变换的腔调与语气,配上那张不断变化的脸,逼真又逗乐。“二战”中各民族的形象,在他的主观想象中也颇为有趣——德国人胆小如鼠、日本人瘦小枯干。而对于一些经…
  • 电影生活
  • 电影剧情
    汉克 麦凯恩 (约翰·卡萨维茨饰)是一个在监狱服刑的歹徒,由于黑帮的帮助而提前出狱.一个财团(辛迪加)需要他参与抢劫拉斯维加斯赌场的计划.但是这个计划由于黑帮的干预而很快被放弃.不过汉克却决定继续实行抢劫.他伪装成一个消防员,他依靠他现时的情人艾瑞(布里特 伊可兰饰)的帮助而实行大胆的犯罪.愤怒的黑帮头目决定处死他.他们很快地找到了他…
  • Bro'
    BRO' is a high-flying thrill ride where Freestyle Motocross riders (Beau Manley and Colin "Scummy" Morrison) and an innocent college student (Will Chavez) get caught up in the high-stakes lifestyle of gangs, drugs, hot cars, sizzling women, and big money while trying to keep pace with their extreme sport.