- The satirical Kingsley Amis novel The Green Man served as the basis for this three-part BBC2 miniseries. Albert Finney headed the cast as Maurice Allington, the libidinous, money-grubbing owner of a quaint British bed-and-breakfast hotel. In hopes of attracting customers, and also desirous of bedding every eligible wom…
- Wasted Youth is set during a hot summer day in Athens. A sixteen-year-old skater and his friends are amusing themselves in the big city. A middle-aged man struggles to take care of his family, through work that he hates and mounting stress. Their lives intersect in this contemporary portrait of the city of Athens and a…
- An excellent documentary containing tons of archival films of early inventions. People trying to fly with wings strapped to their arms, flying cars, failed parachute experiments, cooking utensils, and much much more. This runs at about 76 minutes long, and it is non-stop entertainment. It also contains many physical …
- Der Film "Einheitsmelodie" wurde von der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg auf der Feierstunde anlässlich des Tags der Deutschen Einheit 2008 präsentiert. Er wird mit der freundlichen Genehmigung der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg z…
- The Subvex Film Company’s The Exquisite Corpse 8mm Film Experiment aims to “bridge the gap between legends of old and young guns of contemporary cinema.”A collective of directors, filmmakers, cinematographers and audio-visual artists, Sub…