Amir is a film sound editor who has a peaceful and good life along with his wife, Bahar, and his daughter, Gandom. He has an older friend called Ramin, a film director, who is about to marry a girl much younger than himself. This marriage profoundly affects Amir's life.
来自英国电子音乐大厂MOS所发行的《Pump It Up》系列健身,DVD给你完全不同的健身体验,动感的舞步 劲辣的音乐,让你挥洒出多余的肥油与卡路里,赶紧在夏天来临前练成最Fit的身型吧!!由知名的Eric Prydz有氧运动系列为基础,以当今最辣的电子舞曲,循序渐进地带领观众进入有氧运动的世界,不论初学者或者是高手都能在里面获得最新的有氧运动知…