搜索 Mou

  • 电视剧动作
    After the death of his youngest brother following an alleged police altercation, Abdel (Dali Benssalah) is called back from the frontline to find his family torn apart. Caught between his younger brother Karim's (Sami Slimane) desire for revenge and the criminal dealings of his older brother Moktar (Ouassini Embare…
  • How many rounds you do have to spin on the dance floor until all your dreams come true? Eugene, Gino, Christina and their friends are already past their prime. But that doesn't stop them to search for love and sex. They meet in Paris daily in dimly dance clubs where they express their desire for living a full life in t…
  • Fourteen-year-old Leo leaves a psychiatric hospital following a short stay. Orphaned at a young age, writing is his only form of escape and he dreams of one day meeting his hero, Claude Lelouch. His friend Nino, who grew up in the same care home, eagerly awaits his return. The pair are inseparable, like brothers. Back …
  • 美国漫画家韦勒曼性情古怪,刚愎自用,他带着妻子从美国奔往巴黎。这是他生平第一次外出旅行,他借着参加漫画展的机会,实质上是来追踪他的宝贝女儿。他的女儿来到巴黎大学念文学,刚好她的法国导师是韦勒曼的漫画迷,于是他邀请这个美国家庭参观他的郊外房产,由此引出一段又一段笑料,当然最后女儿也找到了真爱。
  • 卢卢是只狼,汤姆是只兔子。它们从小便是形影不离的好伙伴。现在进入青春期的它们无忧无虑的生活在兔群的领地。一直以为自己是孤儿的卢卢突然得知自己流浪的母亲还活着,两个好伙伴决定去狼群的领地寻找她。他们到达时正赶上一年一度的肉食节——世界大型食肉动物的狂欢盛宴。在这片将食草动物作为主菜的领地,卢卢和汤姆的友谊能否经受住如此考…
  • 电影恐怖
    数年前,艾米莉亚·范宁(艾斯·戴维斯 Essie Davis 饰)和丈夫遭遇一场严重车祸,丈夫不幸在这场意外中身亡。在此之后,艾米莉亚一面在养老院辛勤工作,一面又要照顾年幼的儿子塞缪尔(诺亚·维斯曼 Noah Wiseman 饰)。没有父亲的保护,塞缪尔从小害怕鬼怪,与之相对又表现出极其暴力叛逆的言行举止。带着危险品上学的塞缪尔遭到校方的斥责,…
  • 电影剧情