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  • 电影恐怖
  • A group of five monsters called "Disgustoids" (Festro, Gweelock, Fart, Dingle, and Slog), come to Earth, and try to find a way for themselves and the humans to live together in harmony, but they keep running into different problems along the way.
  • n 1976 the British Government put an end to the special category status of prisoners from the ProvisionalIrish Republican Army, no longer treating them as prisoners of war, but as common criminals. Farrell - on whose life much of the film seems to be loosely based - was the first woman Republican to berefused political…
  • 电影青春
  • The unveiling of Dr. Jacob Pendelton's newest product, ShamPube, becomes a blistering catastrophe when it transforms the Slutton residents into "humping" zombies. Now, it's up to an infomercial king, a used car salesman, four friends, and an array of peculiar townsfolk to join forces and stop the invasion
  • 电影生活
    30多年前,湖南娄底有一群中青年农民为了生活,挑着被盖、凉席和简单的日常用品、乘火车、搭汽车,然后长途步行跋涉,来到了湘赣交界的罗宵山脉,这里是茫茫无边的林海,他们用最原始的方式在这里砍树、拖木、放木排。小叶也是这个“盲流”中的一员,当年他才18岁,中学毕业就跟随着这批大叔大哥来到这深山老林中“讨生活”。 这里远离人群,与…
  • 占领华尔街、反全球化运动袭卷全球,在伦敦的示威者纷纷带上有着一双细眼、山羊胡与诡异微笑的现代版盖伊.福克斯「V怪客」(V for Vendetta)的面具,维基解密的发起人亚桑奇莅临演说也戴了「V面具」,更引起示威者纷纷效尤,使得「V面具」俨然成为此波全球抗议示威中最独特的文化现象。导演布莱恩‧ 耐本伯格(Brian Knappenberger…
  • 一个男人为了钱,一个女人为了护照,然后假结婚了,两个人很顺利的骗了移民局,后来两个人在一起分分合合,最后成了真结婚。记得最后他们两个人要回女人的家,在机场,他们的一个朋友在他们每人的背后贴了一张纸,写着just married,新婚。