- 天山派李秋水(林青霞)爱上掌门师兄逍遥子(廖启智),却不知逍遥子所爱的其实是李秋水的孪生妹妹李沧海(林青霞)。而天山童姥巫行云(巩俐)对李沧海亦有超越性别之爱。逍遥子被同门叛徒丁春秋(徐少强)下毒中伤,被迫归隐到飘渺峰,设下“玲珑棋局”等来本性善良、佛性极深的有缘人虚竹 (林文龙),将百年功力悉数相传,以期代他清理门户…
- 青春古风爆笑梗片《从前有座灵剑山》,讲述了灵剑派诚邀各路精英前来参加升仙大会,为进一步扩充门派力量。因彗星陨落,末法大劫而降临的奇才王陆,怀着千年未有的空灵根,带着现代人思维,踏入灵剑派山门,与师傅王舞互坑,凭借科学知识和超级情商,与海云帆等人碾压异界,走上成为绝世强者的反套路之路!
- A thick, dark night furtively pierced by the light of a bulb that instantly goes off. This is how we enter Night Detour, a sensual drift in two movements, whose key motifs are darkness and disappearance. The story is set in a heavenly village on the Mexican west coast. To the west is the Pacific Ocean, immense, ominous…
- La vie des hommes infâmes (The Life of Infamous Men) was the project for a book that never saw the light of day but for which Michel Foucault wrote a preface. He wanted to collect the written traces of peculiar lives whose uniqueness was …