- Built on a divorce, Helen knows a great love with the young Alain for ten years. A wave of Alain cousin, Michelle, to which he is forced to take an interest soon take place in his heart of Helen, but the girl would not want to break the home. As for the woman, more and more jealous, she gets ACCIDENTER and is transport…
- Inspired by true events. A nine year old girl disappears and is later found murdered. The movie exploits the events leading up to the death of the girl, why did it happen? What lies beneath? Was the parenting of the young perpetrators to blame or was it their need to be seen. Are they even an invention of the imaginati…
- 某个夜晚,巨型外星机器人毫无征兆地出现在地球各大繁华都市上空。他们以压倒性的实力摧毁着高楼大厦,将人头熙攘的都市变作焦土。毁灭仍在继续,幸存者危在旦夕。在城市的某个角落,时尚女子正打理她的豪华跑车,穿着休闲西装的小男人慌不择路闯进车里,结果被女子踢了出去。不远处,一大队巨型机器人正在逼近,领头的机器人抓起男子,它的眼中…
- A demon monster from outer space invades the Earth and plans to do a great deal of evil things to everyone around him. It is up to Detective Rock, Nelly and others to stop him. Will The Rock be able to stop this creature? The demon monster uses the wolfman, Frankenstein's monster, Dracula, Tor, and a female zombie to d…