搜索 Mukherjee

  • 曾演出《殺人回憶》、《八月照相館》Jeon Mi Sun在新片《Love is a crazy thing》中飾演故事主人翁Au Jin。居住在Busan的她是一名寂寞的少婦,丈夫只花很少時間去照顧他倆的兒女。Au Jin為了消磨時間,便開始兼職的工作,在一個電話服務中心上班。一天,她接了一個陌生男子的電話,自此,她每天最開心的事便是這位男子的來電。經慫恿之下,Au…
  • 银行经理凯拉什·纳特(Kailash Nath)和银行监督员尚卡尔·达亚尔·库拉纳(Shankar Dayal Khurana)是朋友。Kailash让他的儿子Kishan嫁给Dayal的女儿Sanam。不幸的是,婚礼后,卡伊拉什遭遇车祸,被认为已经死亡;但在现实中幸存下来,被逮捕,并被判长期监禁,罪名是从银行盗窃巨额资金。在服刑数年后,Kailash发现了Dayal是如何诬陷…
  • Thakur Ajit Singh 是一个富裕和正统的人,住在一个豪华的房子。他认为,妇女应该始终是在室内,并不会干扰业务以外的房子。他知道了唯一的女儿Radha爱上了一个可怜而穷小子,名叫Shyam。他坚决反对这门亲事,但Radha很坚定。
  • 这个故事是关于两个家伙。他们从来不相信上帝,但他们最终不得不接受神的力量。Ahmed和Mohan Kumar Saxena 是小偷。他们的职业生涯都花在虚假证人孟买法院附近,在那里他们得到支付虚假证言集和卢比。这将改变见面时,被由卡比尔达斯的影响,并决定直来直去。他们发现,这几乎是不可能诚实的公民谋生。卡比尔达斯被逮捕和监禁的一宗谋杀案,他声…
  • "A love letter to Calcutta," declares Mainak. "It's about a typical Bengali family of dadu (grandfather), parents and three brothers and their love interests. Then there's the Marwari community which plays a big part in today's cosmopolitan Calcutta. This is a film about the Calcutta we see now. It's urb…
  • 宫女玛雅自幼陪伴着公主长大,她出落得比公主漂亮,也比公主更擅长歌舞,这让公主心生妒忌,因此处处苛待玛雅。公主即将嫁给邻国的王子,为了报复公主,玛雅婚礼前夜诱惑并且得到了王子的身体。比基一直暗中爱慕着玛雅,得知玛雅的无耻行径,愤怒的他将一切都告诉了国王,最终,玛雅被赶出了皇宫,流落街头。无处可去的玛雅邂逅了宫廷雕刻师杰基…
  • The young Brahmin girl (Shabana Azmi) in this story has a disastrous horoscope. In an Indian village in 1828, this can be a real handicap. The fact that she is mute only compounds her difficulties. Her horoscope predicts that she will become a widow at an early age. If this turns out as predicted, in addition to being …
  • The film opens in 1925, during the British rule in India at the height of Indian independence movement is the tale of two Delhi families, that of Nawab Badruddin and Gulshan Rai. The two families are so close that they virtually share the same house. The Nawab's daughter, Husn Bano, has an affair with a young man named…