- The storyline hinges on the rivalry between a struggling, near bankrupt young trainer, Aidan Doherty, (Conor Mullen), and his millionaire neighbour, Charlie Carrick (Stanley Townsend), who - together with his wife Yolanda (Lorraine Pilkington) - owns the successful 'Firebrand' yard, up the road. When the series opens, …
- Leo is sugar, Clemens is orange. Together they are two eleven-year-old boys who are inseparable. More than just playmates, they share a unique bond which seems predestined to last a lifetime. Until powerful emotions come to the fore and a misunderstanding leads to a rift which tears both them and their world apart. Six…
- HEADER portrays the grueling psychological journey taken by ATF Agent Stewart Cummings. On the surface, Stewart struggles to solve a string of bizarre murders, but in secret, his life falls into a world of corruption that's impossible to escape. Deceit, rape, and murder spiral out of control triggering a hellish conclu…