- 全編77分に及ぶ、関ジャニ∞が演じるストーリーにアルバム楽曲を散りばめた「8UPPERS FEATURE MUSIC FILM」には、普段の彼らの明るさとはかけ離れた裏社会に生きる始末屋に扮する7人が登場。彼らの演じるキャラクターとそれぞれの心情の変化、アクション、メッセージが関ジャニ∞の楽曲とリンク。音楽と映像が融合したこの「8UPPERS F…
- The 2011 MuchMusic Video Awards was held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at MuchMusic's headquarters on June 19, 2011. The awards were aired on MuchMusic, CP24, E!, MuchHD and Fuse. Along with the MuchMusic VJ's, it was confirmed on the MuchMusic website that Selena Gomez will co-host the show. Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber …
- On January 29, 2010, Neil Young was honored as the 2010 MusiCares Person of the Year. At a gala event in Los Angeles, superstar artists paid tribute to the legendary singer, songwriter and performer with inspired versions of some of his most memorable songs. Proceeds from the sale of this product will provide essential…
- 据悉,日本电视台将于新春特别剧《THE MUSIC SHOW》中首次做出让观众设计多种结局的大胆尝试。本剧讲述的以歌手身份出道为目的的“剧中选拔赛”。在最后一集时,观众可通过遥控器投票,决出优胜者。作为剧中节目评委出场的是演员泽村一树,安田显饰演节目制作人。大家最为关注的选拔赛挑战者的扮演者为户田惠子及模特出身的桐谷美玲。 此外…
- In 1963, German filmmaker Dietrich Wawzyn hired Arhoolie Records founder Chris Strachwitz to take him on a musical tour of America. This film is a documents their journey and features amazing performances by musicians including Jesse Fuller, Lowell Fulson, King Louis H. Narcisse, Rev. Louis Overstreet, Mance Lipscomb, …