- Portrait of Jim Clark, one of the most talented and intriguing characters of the 1960s. From unlikely beginnings on a farm in Scotland, the introverted and media-shy Clark emerged to become the most successful racing driver of his time, and forged a reputation as one of the all-time great heroes of motor sport.Using pr…
- A docu-thriller focusing on the life, brief career, and mysterious death of Maryland filmmaker Karl Atticus, referred to by some as the "godfather of the slasher film." Features interviews with various historians and aficionados including Eduardo Sanchez, director of "The Blair Witch Project," who i…
- Corinna Kleist is a juvenile court judge who, after a leave of absence following the suicide of a convicted teenager, is appointed to a 'problem area' in Berlin. She now tries harder than ever to change the system in order to prevent troubled kids from being turned into vicious criminals. In the case of 14-year-old Raf…
- 特里正在申请一份住家女佣的工作。在去面试的路上,她去接萨莎·加博,她的车在路边抛锚了。萨沙在车里,特里在让他下车去见哈维和玛格达之前满足了自己。特里很快就发现哈维发明了一种机器人,它可以提供饮料,并通过阴茎附件满足女性的需求。